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RP#3- At BK You Got It!

The scene opens to a local Burger King, where we are seeing Mike Shiekman and Weaver Grohman eating at a window side table, as the table is full of Whopper containers, two large cups of soda sitting at the side and fries. It seems that Mike and Weaver are attempting to compete with each other to eat the most burgers. Weaver is eating them like lightning, as Mike is staring at him, and trying to keep up with him. Weaver, with his mouth full, begins to speak.

Yzou Fzuzking Szuzk!

Mike swallows the Whopper remains in his mouth and sipping the straw of his soda, begins to speak.

Don't talk with your mouth full, man. I can’t hear a word you say.

Weaver nods and begins devouring the Whopper in front of him before speaking again, only clearer.

You suck at this! Damn, I beat my brother Travis at this, and he said you almost beat him.

I keep a good routine now, whereas your brother just ate and used his height. And anyway, you’re a goddamn eating machine. So, feeling any better?

No. I feel like I've watched a La Muerte Roja match, followed by an hour of your old wrestling promos.

Shut up, dumbass. Hey remember we did this a few years back and you had to take a crap so bad you did it in the parking lot?

These bathrooms are contaminated with STDs, these people don’t clean them either!

Who would want to f*ck in a Burger King? There’s probably shit all over the stalls.

Weaver closes his mouth and puts his hand over it, to make sure he doesn't vomit.

Yeah. Pure, one hundred percent, brown soft faeces. which has been in your dirty asshole as it's come pushing out and then flushed down into the sewers to be devoured by rats...

With that, Weaver vomits all over the Burger King joint floor, leaving Mike in laughter. The cleaners look irritated as do the customers, as Mike points to the vomit and then points to the cleaner, who just mutter to themselves in anger.


Well, you deserve it for insulting me. Should never insult a man who knows how to make someone sick.

You made me puke out all of my whoppers, man! Making me waste twenty dollars!

Twenty dollars? Big whoop. That shouldn't mean anything to you. Your in Shiekdaddie Dynasty! You have the girls, the money, and everything else. Act like it, and stop complaining about little amounts of money. I’m the Future World Champion in the UWF, and I’m gonna take everything by storm.

Marissa sure doesn’t think so.


No really, feeling a promo coming on?

Mike Shiekman lives for wrestling, and for the title, and he comes out victorius when it’s on the line. It all started on the January 18th Turmoil, and on that day I turned over a new leaf,. I’m out to prove them all wrong just like I did two weeks back. After Marissa is taken down, The Shiekdaddie will rule UWF Wrestling. Think about it, Ricky Stanton, Matt Ward, and now Marissa, and the tag champs, all taken down in a span of a month, and a eventual World Title around my waist…anything better? But lets not get ahead of ourselves. Bottom Line: When I step in the ring, regardless if I dominate or I beat my opponents down, I pull out the win, no power can stop that fate from happening. I have the skill of adapting and using stamina to my advantage, that’s a god given skill that will be used to take down the World Champ and the Tag Champs.

I may have lost all respect for Glenn. I give the guy respect and from what I see, Jenni doesn’t bad-mouth me either, and all of a sudden, he calls e out looking for revenge. "Wah wah wah, You've beaten me, therefore I will beat you this time. I’m President and I can do what ever I want". I’m tired of that crap, me and Crucifier will take you down, believe that.

Heavy stuff.

I know.

Where is he, doesn’t Glenn always put up some last minute speeches?

Don't know. He’ll probably sneak up on us like he always does, maybe I deserve it anyways.

No shit.  But damn, maybe he’s rethought about tonight. Wonder if he's going to show up even.

Highly doubt he’ll bail. But how do I know? I'll destroy him anyhow. Face it man, we'll be on top of the world, The wrestling world will be my oyster.

Hell yeah! Hey, I'm feeling sick. Let's get out of here, man.

Mike and Weaver begin to walk out of the Burger King restaurant into the parking lot, and standing by Weaver's battered old car a look of horror spreads across Mike's face, before Mike tries to put on a straight face.

Damn, will you fix that damn window on your car? Why I'm riding in such a death trap is beyond me. Let’s get to Atlanta.

Mike can’t keep his composure, as the screen fades to black